Diego Santurio
Pablo Atchugarry
Marcelo Legrand
Octavio Podestá
Giorgio Carlevaro
No title
José Pelayo
Mojones esculpidos—Sculpted Milestones
Giorgio Carlevaro
Olivo centenario–Centenarian Olive
Pablo Atchugarry
Enrique Broglia
Ricardo Pascale
This construction was envisaged as a great sculpture and narrative volume; the form, deeply grounded on the land, raises and becomes lighter with a small conical effort over the circular trunk. The vertical design of the winery allows for gravity-flow winemaking, the most traditional and respectful way of wine production; its walls and openings provide natural lightning which is priceless for the work in the winery.
An archetypal mill design; big cement boards with stained-glass windows—whose flashes can be seen from the field—act as walls of an architectural volume designed according to its industrial purpose. The olive mill was made with cutting edge technology and its design enables an oil production process of excellence that prioritizes quality over quantity.
It is a prizewinning construction. The World Architecture Festival held at Singapore in 2015 awarded it with the first place in the category Production, Energy & Recycle.
An old large house built on the early 20th century with an elegant French style, recycled by Architect Marcelo Daglio, where art, architecture and design blend.
In the first floor and mezzanine the warmth of the wood and the contemporary design prevail; the meticulous illumination connects them to the artworks placed there. A deep fusion between art and architecture is experienced in this space; among them, José Pelayo’s intervention of the first-floor ceilings stands out.
2012, José Ignacio
Pablo Atchugarry
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